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Posts posted by Nikkor

  1. On the term "full frame look". Note, that with any focal reducer the angle of view widens, but the depth of field *doesn't change* at all. A 2.8 looks different in Super 16, MFT, APS-C and Full Frame. That's why the biggest problem with GH4 is it's relatively big DoF - relative to the resolution. The only way to overcome this problem are very fast lenses, not Speedboosters.

    Let me explain further: It's true, high resolution will add shallowDoF to some extent, because the >circles of confusion are smaller (are they though? Are the pixel dimensions different from, say, those of the GH3?), but generellay, if there was an aesthetic benefit of 4k over HD in the first place, it had to do with selective sharpness, not with infinite detail. The existing UHD camcorders with small sensors prove that, the images look terrible.

    Fullframe look is perfectly fine because what focal reducers do is compressing the image circle,or virtually scaling up the sensor.

  2. No autofocus at all. I don't know about aperture control, I guess it depends on the adapter.




    This one states Autofocus so I'm wrong. But:


    Only Canon-branded lenses introduced in or after 2006 are officially supported. Autofocus speed is very slow and inadequate for most moving subjects. Autofocus may be disabled for older Canon lenses and most third-party lenses, including most Sigma, Tamron and Tokina lenses and all Contax N lenses modified by Conurus. This Smart Adapter is also compatible with fully manual lenses which have no electrical contacts. For a list of reported compatibility with specific lenses please see the Metabones website.


  3. Viewfinder eye-pieces made of Thorium? Now that a entirely different topic. If you can point out a camera maker actually using thorium in an eyepiece now, tell me and I'll sue, and shut down the company.

    As I said when it comes to lenses, it is NOT an issue unless you lick it for hours everyday, for months, or eat it. But with an eyepiece, we already do that (keep the eye piece in contact with an exposed part of our body, the eye) so that WOULD be dangerous to your cornea, conjunctiva and even retina. Not carcinogenic but mildly dangerous, especially if you don't wear eye glasses for example (the radiation would never penetrate the glass)

    I am truly concerned about this, does anyone actually really make such thing?

    I think they used it in lab stuff (microscopes,etc...) but I wouldn't rule out some old 70s cameras.

  4. Now, if only we can get a fear-monger campaign going that convinces people the Iscoramas are radioactive...

    Well there is no need for that because the variable diopters in some Iscoramas are radioactive. Isco Göttingen has a tradition of using contaminated glass, or even glass with thorium for their cinema projection lenses. The pre 36 iscoramas and the cinegon versions are affected, I definitly wouldn't want to use one.


    Anyway, developing chemicals are dangerous too and nobody cares.

  5. I just sold my GH3 :wacko:


    It could be placebo effect, but to the naked eye it seems like a more pleasing motion.

    It's something that has been bothering me a lot with my nikons (on a steadycam it becomes very visible) and which doesn't seem to happen in raw cameras, I might be a little bit obsessive but it's something important to me.

    I wish someone with tecnical knowledge could explain what exactly creates this, or if it's just in my imagination (or yours). I'll check some gh4 footage.

  6. I've send them a suggestion for a medium format focal reducer, I have totally failed to do one on my own (it has terrible aberrations, and only 0.6x reduction), I want to use my glass digitally without spending millions on MFDB

  7. How do the pentacon 6 lenses compare to other medium format lenses? For example with pentax 67 lenses.

    I compared some pentax 67 lenses to some nikon lenses on a D3 and they had less resolution less contrast (I only have the latest versions) and had some strange colored cromatic aberrations.

    I haven't bought any pentacon stuff because the cameras are a mess and I don't like the idea of thorium (call me stupid).

  8. Soon EVFs will be 14bit 4K OLEDs.


    Then the flippy mirror will say bye byes.

    But we are still a few years away from that (14bit screens...)


    Anyway, today I took my German aunt to some sightseeing and she gave me her compact camera (some canon) to take pictures. Was defenitly fun but the lattitude is horrible. A compact viewcamera would be nice.

  9. You have to press "OK" in live view, to change between exposure preview and the automode which is not the actual exposure (this later mode is the one that is on normally). You also have to check what kind of picture style you are using, if you have one with the birghtness,contrast,etc... pulled down you won't be able to check your exposure in liveview. You can even set a different white balance for the liveview which won't affect the one set on the top screen when taking jpgs.


    The viewfinders will tend to dissappear once EVFs stop lagging, I also prefer viewing the actual scene rather than a cooked 8bit signal. The problem with fast lenses is obviously not so great, for slower apertures there is the dof preview button on the front (although it gets darker).


    On the other hand real viewfinders are a big pleasure in medium format.

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