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Posts posted by GravitateMediaGroup

  1. @Matt


    I think she is fine with keeping everything  on external, just don't keep EVERY thing on the laptop/pc that you are using.

    And what would be REALLY nice is if you had 2 externals, and every so often send one back home, have somebody dump it, and have it sent back.  Not sure your situation or how easy it would be to send/receive mail,but it's a thought. 


    Also, with massive amounts of footage I don't think cloud storage would be the best options because it would take FOREVER, unless you had some pretty seious internet. 

  2. @nahua thats why you don't ned excessive sharpening, the gh3 detail alone is fine, but to match it with a hacked gh2 you would need to add a PINCH.


    and moire is something that will probably be an issue for a few more years to come.  I see broadcast cameras suffer from it also.


    and I really hope you aren't considering "boosting" the saturation 150% on 8bit color your grading process

  3. who said anything about grading EVERY single clip?

    if you have 20 shots under the same lighting or sunlight, and so on, you would create a preset and drop that 1 preset on the 20 other clips.


    and you would not be hard pressed to notice a difference in avchd, 50 & 72.  I'm doing a test of this right now and there are some obvious differences, mainly compression.  a 1 TB external HD isn't that expensive now day, so to worry about storage space is irrelevant, and to travel on the road, with all your files on the computer and no backup source has BAD NEW written all over it.

  4. Getting a certain look in-camera always was the DPs job, be it for movies or documentary. Not saying that things shouldn't progress and there are A LOT of situations I`m happy to be able to shoot flat. But for Blanche´s situation, travel documentary, I´d opt for the best in-camera look, expose properly and roll.

    And then you can really say "I did that." ;)


    editing on the fly is never a good idea

    do you want to be able to say

    "I wish I wouldn't have rushed and took my time to make it look the best I possibly could"


    "I'm glad I did things the right way and i'm 100% confident I did things to the best of my ability"

  5. Have you done any before and after color grading GH3 footage? I'v also been playing around with the picture profile on my GH3, but I am inexperienced for grading footage. 


    that is what my before/after pictures are in a earlier post, although it was just a quick 30 second example, if I spent more time it would look even better.  IMO it's pretty import for a person to do a little experimenting with grading because not EVERY shot will have the end result that you predicted, and it's just a good thing to know.  If you are taking the time to learn how to work a camera, and use a NLE,  you need to learn all the other stuff that comes with it.  So by shooting FLAT on every clip, in theory would make the grading process easier.  even if it's just creating your own custom preset and applying it to your footage, and then go tweak other clips that may need a little more attention.


    no pissing war needed, I don't have to piss right now.  to shoot -5 all the way rules out all of the -2-3-4-1 or -1-3-5-2 garbage from everybody who thinks their opinion is more important than the next.  shot flat, create your own look, end of story.  at least in the end you can set back and say "I DID THAT" and not say "my camera does all my color work for me"

  6. the goal is to adjust the colors how "YOU" want and not let the camera decide for you.  That's why shooting as flat as possible works best in post.  If you really want to make your gh3 footage pop using either 50 or 77mbs, throw a SLIGHT amount of "unsharp mask" on it in post.


    If you want, you don't have to turn noise reduction all the way down, that way whatever noise reduction you use doesn't struggle too much.

  7. the whole shoot at 50mbs over 77 is silly to me.

    what you gain in one area your are losing in others.

    both are solvable with either A. slight noise reduction for the 77mbs or B. Slight amount of unsharp mask on 50mbs to gain a bit of detail.


    as far as color I would shoot at -5 all the way across, and then adjust the colors how you want.  There is a reason a lot of professionals are wanting to see more "log" settings on cameras.  So basically you should always want to shoot as flat as possible, and make your colors look like straight crap, and then make your own magic happen.  You can create WAY better colors in post than what the camera has built in. 

  8. On your GH2 or GH3?


    gh2, even if it functions 110% properly on a gh3, as a lens, it still isn't worth it's cost.

    a voightlander or 2 rokinon cine lenses would be better, or a sigma 30 & rokinon 85.


    I "might" consider buying the 12-35 if it ever drops below $700, because that's all it's worth.

  9. Call Samys website number, tell them to check availability at store locations, then have the warehouse snag it back from the store and ship to you. Worked for me first try. Obviously the store locations would need them in stock. But the website will say out of stock even if a store has them.
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