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Everything posted by ntblowz

  1. Just based on DR? That is pretty laughable 😆 But yes Canon mirrorless camera DR is not as good vs competitor, but cinema on the other hand is different story.
  2. Oppenhimer also have the enhanced 1080p option
  3. https://www.dpreview.com/news/0684173325/l-mount-expansion-samyang-and-astrodesign-join-the-l-mount-alliance So when do we expect that 35-150mm F2-2.8 to be on L mount? 😎 And their collection of primes.
  4. Yeah, you can easily tell when Canon does everyone and their dogs bark about it, but when Sony does it you see plenty of people try to work around the shortcoming or said who does 30min+ boring videos 🤭
  5. From dpreview chart the high iso is a bit worse than the older a6x00 on stills?
  6. The only thing I don't like is they use NZ flag 😂
  7. Well there is always 3rd party fan to help extend the time a bit. But definitely won't be as good as proper body build with heat dissipation in mind. Or add umbrella on top 😆
  8. I m not sure that statement is true, as I m pretty sure the S5II/X boosted the Panasonic market a bit with the magical pdaf. Even this year I still see people buying blackmagic pocket 6k for those aspiring filmmakers over other brand.
  9. I can definitely give up IBIS for smaller/lighter setup. - The external raw recording, never used Atomos Ninja V for raw encoding, only used them for monitor lol, even though the c70 raw is quite small but only use it once and rest still on mp4.
  10. Simple, just ignore those echo chambers by not watching, obviously they are coming from a different background to the film/tv industry.
  11. So I tried both Sigma 28-70 2.8 and Sony 20-70 in store, man the dynamic IS on Sony lens totally blow away the third party lens. When I tried the dynamic IS on Sigma the only thing it did was crop more but stabilization is still similar to a73 with tamron 28-75mm I used to have. On Sony 20-70 it felt like it glued on the screen. And 28mm with DIS is way too narrow, on 20mm it felt ok since it is wider in the first place.
  12. Does Dynamic Active Stabilization works on the 24-70 F4? I heard it doesn't work on 3rd party lens, but I m not sure about older Sony lens. Your video there is really stable, I think more stable than 28-60mm?
  13. I actually got a few project coming up that I m gonna try with E1 instead of using C70/R5C. I think i've gone overboard with my response and can't edit those post anymore so I m just gonna move on.
  14. I see you like to make yourself superior by looking others who are less fortunate in terms of finance, but sorry i m just sick of you attacking people who use camera that doesn't use the same way as you do. Of course for you it always about you you and you, it easy to see based on your comment, I wonder what happend to your life, no wonder on dpreview no one gives a shit about the all those video post you posted.
  15. E1 is definitely not the target audience for people who are on this forum, youtube is definitely is. Having said that, a fan and e1 and a lens still cost way less than a fx3, and times that by 3 the price difference is quite a lot. And seriously is that all you shoot? Just a bunch of random video with random strangers doing their own stuff that give you voyeuristic feel? Especially if you want something small so people don't notice that you are filming them in secret?
  16. That why I have the really thin smallrig micro hdmi to hdmi cable and hdmi connector to connect to the thick hdmi cable. I usually wrap the cable around the tripod head to make sure the cable won't rip camera apart. But yeah micro hdmi is not idea but there are ways to get around the filmsy connector.
  17. This is with R7 and R5 livestreaming and recording in camera on both (R7 was on the other side)
  18. Yes it can, I been doing in camera recording multi cam livestream with Canon many times on R7, R5 and now R8 beside C70 and R5C. Don't choose the camera +hdmi option period if u need recording in camera
  19. You can do clean hdmi out with recording, make sure nothing is displayed before you press record. I done countless livesteram on Canon.
  20. Yeah seems like people outside US getting the shaft in terms of pricing.
  21. Z8 does make R5 look dated, Canon and Sony better have stacked sensor for their next cam at this price range with 45mp+ sensor.
  22. R5II definitely need stack sensor to compete against Z8
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