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Shawn Mauric

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Everything posted by Shawn Mauric

  1. Some years ago (after reading an enthusiastic review by Andrew) I bought a shiny new Panasonic GX80. But I made a mistake, trying to save money, by not buying a kit lens. Instead, I ordered some vintage Nikon lens with speedbooster. Unfortunately, this lens, while shooting in daylight, leaves a circle of light on the resulting footage. I also bought a Zoom H1 and Rode VideoMicro for sound, some cheap spare batteries, a small bag and some filters. Additionally, I installed Cinelike D profile for better video quality. I didn't shoot much, not least because of unhandy lens. I now consider making some kit for shooting videos with this camera. Probably, for amateur filmmaking or documentary stuff. What would you consider essential stuff to buy? Especially, some cheap or at least very affordable lens? Are there some affordable fixed zooms? How do they compare quality-wise? What is your kit if you shoot with this Panasonic? And which light gear is essential? Some LED ones? What about light stands? I also heard that ordinary oldfashioned bulbs are the best in terms of rendering skin. Are powerful fluorescent light sources completely replaced by LED nowadays? If you shoot handheld, is it enough to use a cage or cheap gimbals can do better? I'm looking forward for your replies and suggestions, many thanks!
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