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Posts posted by CreativeHill

  1. Dude! This was awesome. I felt the same way about Mr. Undone. I thought it really hurt his credibility (at least, with me) that the Sigma FP L was such a disappointment to him. You hit the nail on the head in every way. Took the words right out of my mouth. Same thing goes for Bloom. I typically love these guys and what they offer but I agree with you that Sigma is doing something different and I appreciate such things. I can put the Fp together the way I want. Isn't that also the way you have to do RED? I was Panasonic for years with my DVX100 then Lumix GH4. Up to the release of the original Fp, I was looking to go Fuji but wanted to be full-frame. Then, Fuji drops the bomb with Medium Format moves. That will be my play at some point. But, when you drop full frame cinema into the mix the way Sigma is doing, you can put together your situation they way you want. Most cinema cameras force you to do manual focus, Fp does but also is ramping up the lens support where the lens provides stabilization. Not to mention, putting the4 Fp on a gimbal like the Weebill S. This is all good in my view and really puts in the throws of being a real filmmaker. That's the point for some of us.


    Then, when you add the photo imaging part, this puts the Sigma Fp in it's own little power-packed space. I really appreciated Steve Huff's perspective on the Fp in this regard. This man is a serious Leica guru. Lenses and Cameras and he thought his experience with the Sigma fp was akin to his Leica SL. Yikes! I was like, "okay!". Now, we're talking.  He used his array of lenses on the Fp and the look was amazing. Color science and all. After reading your comments here, I recommend folks add Steve's YouTube review of the Fp. It's here: https://youtu.be/Q01kVaFtkvg 

    So, kudos Andrew. I really appreciate your view and coupled with Steve Huff's view on this, I think it showed how powerful the Sigma Fp and Fp L is in the hands of those who love to be different and know how to put their systems together for their needs.

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