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Posts posted by imagesfromobjects

  1. Hello- first post here, I hope everyone is doing well in these crazy times. I joined because this is the most in-depth discussion of the fp happening anywhere on the web. And... like most everyone, I have quickly developed a love/hate relationship with its quirks and potential. 


    I'll skip to it: I just updated it to 1.02 firmware and the flickering blacks are absolutely still there in MOV. I realize (of course) that I'm not going to get the full potential of the camera without an SSD, or at least shooting 8 bit DNG internally, but adding accessories or spending time in post kinda defeats the purpose of the fp for my use case 90% of the time. As such, I'm tinkering with every different possible combination of in-camera settings to get the quality of footage that my 6 year old a7S can get, with little luck so far. 


    The short version is that there's no way to raise the black levels (and no LOG profile, but you already know that) so the only thing you can do is use the profile with the highest apparent base black gamma level (Portrait, in my testing) and reduce contrast and boost the low end tone curve. It's wonderful that these options exist, but with a fixed black level point, what happens is that the darkest regions between black and shadow just become this murky blob and the DR is strained, so it just looks like crap. It's most evident in shooting low light footage. Incidentally - or not - this is also when the flickering happens. 


    The settings I've been using are: dumb adapter, manual lenses, manual everything, 180 shutter, MOV ALL1, 24fps (or whatever) and testing every different combination of resolution, as well as reducing contrast and sharpening and trying every combination of color profiles and tone curves. 




    The good news is that it's an AMAZING stills camera, especially with compact rangefinder lenses. The bad news is that the on-board video is buggy as heck. 


    If Sigma could fix this, and get rid of the white focus box that's always there in stills mode, it could be perfect. 


    Thanks for the great thread! 



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