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Pancake Bokehontas

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  1. Confused
    Pancake Bokehontas reacted to Andrew Reid in Canon EOS M6 Mark II   
    Yes of course we all know the story with the M6 Mark II is that compared to earlier efforts such as the 60D or T2i, Canon finally had to drop 24p to save on the H.264 licensing fees which were really racking up a huge debt in their corporate bank account, and the other reason they had to drop 24p was that it takes just so much processing power to drop those 6 frames compared to 30p which is much easier, and the virtual garbage bin kept filling up with those frames and overflowing causing a memory leak and a security issue for people with smartphones connected, so 24p just had to go, and also the uncompressed 16bit 8K HDMI output could only run at 60hz for the screens on Atomos recorders so no 24p externally either, plus in Japanese the number 24 is associated with ghosts.
  2. Like
    Pancake Bokehontas reacted to Andrew Reid in Canon EOS M6 Mark II   
    I wonder if people who shoot 30p thinking it's better complain when they are at the cinema of stuttering and juddering?
    Or if they have just been playing far too many Fortnite sessions at 120fps and their eyes are fucked.
    It's only viable if you eat your clients afterwards.
  3. Haha
    Pancake Bokehontas reacted to Andrew Reid in Canon EOS M6 Mark II   
    Everybody stop, we have been wrong all along for 10 years since the 5D Mark II came out with that silly 24p firmware patch, why they bothered with that and didn't just stick to 30p I don't know.
    All that stutter and judder from the cinema frame rate, damn my computer screen for not being a flickering 24hz scan rate, it's all the fault of those damned LCD panels!!
    Yes I wondered why the Arri Alexa looks so shit on my LG OLED.
    Bloody 24fps strikes again.
    Tut tut tut.
    *Checks notes* Canon are completely right to remove 24p and it has *checks notes* nothing to do with protecting the higher-end cameras.
    Better warn all those C200 users shooting their silly mismatched 24p for Netflix.
    They should all be shooting at 60p to avoid judder, and recommending people turn their TVs to Motion Smoothing mode, especially for those fancy daytime soap operas we used to call "films" like Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk.
    Quick somebody tell Scorsese!
    Why won't he get the 30p 60p memo??? Doesn't he know his scan lines are juddering and stuttering?
    And damn that bloody Spielberg still living in 1984.
    An affliction you mean? Yes, the look of cinema is the scourge of filmmakers everywhere.
    They should really go to a doctor for that 24p disease.
    I don't know how much you guys in these PR offices get paid by companies like Canon but I am fascinated by the work and script writing you put in.
    Should do a documentary about it...
    Shot in 30p of course.
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