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John Carty

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Posts posted by John Carty

  1. I have heard mixed reviews on this store, but I  am thinking about buying a lens clamp from them ( the one that kind of twists on ) rather than using the screws. Does anyone own one of these? if so are they worth the money?



  2. What is the best method to use when shooting with a anamorphic lens. I have a Isco Ultra Star lens and I am using a Nikon 50mm prime. I have heard to set the taking lens to infinity and use the scope to do all the focusing. I  am shooting on 16mm with a bolex H16. would this be the best way? or could I use both lens for the focusing?



  3. I was wondering how good a premium optics single focus rangefinder would work on a Sankor 16C,  taking lens Nikon 50mm prime. I will be using this on a Bolex H16 cine camera. I have tried the Sankor on the Bolex already and the results have be fair, but it seemed to be very hard to focus close and far...better results when the subject was further away. Would I see much of a difference if I was using a rangefinder? or do the rangefinders work  better on say a DSLR camera? And also would this be correct... keep the taking lens at infinity and using the scope lens for all the focusing. If I was to use a Isco Ultra Star Cinemascope would I see a big difference between that and the Sankor 16C? and  would I have a better range of focus? Any info on this would be much appreciated.



  4. I was wondering how good a premium optics single focus rangefinder would work on a Sankor 16C,  taking lens Nikon 50mm prime. I will be using this on a Bolex H16 cine camera. I have tried the Sankor on the Bolex already and the results have be fair, but it seemed to be very hard to focus close and far...better results when the subject was further away. Would I see much of a difference if I was using a rangefinder? or do the rangefinders work  better on say a DSLR camera? And also would this be correct... keep the taking lens at infinity and using the scope lens for all the focusing. If I was to use a Isco Ultra Star Cinemascope would I see a big difference between that and the Sankor 16C? and  would I have a better range of focus? Any info on this would be much appreciated.



  5. Thanks for the info, and no I do not have any rods for my camera. I am just really interested in shooting some 16mm film using a anamorphic lens just to see how good it would turn out. Are adapters easy enough to get for say a Sankor lens to a Nikon 50mm primes lens? or is the Nikon lens to small that it would probably give me some Vignetting?

  6. Yes your right, I don't really want to spend to much as I don't know what kind of result I will get. Also would it be better to use a 35mm anamorphic lens or a 16mm... say like a Sankor 16D

  7. I would like to know which anamorphic lens and adapter would be best to use for my Nikon 50mm prime lens , that connects to my Bolex H16 rex1 that also has a F Mount to C Mount adapter on it.

    Any info on this would be much appreciated.



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