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Posts posted by famoss

  1. Until now 8bit is the only possibility. I hope on a firmware update but I suppose it won’t come. I am sure the next A7SIII will be able to record in 10 bit, let’s see.

    Is HLG limited to 10 bit only in GH5? I have seen that on higher frame rates GH5 is also running in 8 bit.

  2. Quote

    It’s not only Sony, also Panasonic and other use 8bit HLG. If 8bit would be a restriction this implementation would be nonsense.

    It is up to the television producer if he accept h.264 as HDR. I have a LG HDR television and the original Sony files don’t switch my television into HDR mode. For LG it is an issue on the codec. If you transfer the file into HEVC (h.265) without changing anything it works fine and it doesn’t matter if it is only 8bit and/or only FullHD. 4k is also recommended in Bt.2020.


  3. I think I belong to a majority of people: Shoot, Cut, Export. I have three children and two cats and don’t want to waste time on complicated editing software. ?

    I don’t know for Panasonic but Sony doesn’t give useful information shooting HLG videos. At the beginning Robert asked using HLG for shooting photos. I use it shooting photos in difficult exposure situations too but I also don’t know if it is ok or not. Related to S-Log you can find information on Sony Professional including LUTs. HLG is mentioned as a HDR processing without doing grading. But everybody who watch a HLG video on a conventional television gets a bad surprise.

    Almost every Sony camera gets this new feature but there is no easy guideline how to use it in real live. I would be happy that all I have written and many blogs in internet would be needless but it isn’t.

    Anyway HLG is a technical term. It describes the transfer characteristic of a video. Another characteristic is PQ used by HDR10 and Dolby Vision. Using the tool MediaInfo I get the following header information (short extraction) from my Sony HLG video:

    Color range                              : Limited
    Color primaries                          : BT.2020
    Transfer characteristics                 : HLG
    Matrix coefficients                      : BT.2020 non-constant
    Codec configuration box                  : avcC

    So it is important how your HDR television has to work on the stream. I suppose it looks the same on your GH5.

    My video editing software (Magix Video Pro X) is only able to export PQ and the exported video looks horrible colourful. So it is not well supported on public software, unfortunately.

  4. As I was working first time on HLG I was disappointed watching the result on a usual TV. I tried to use Resolve but it was to complex for me (I am no professional) and also did not want to change editing software. So I tried to go another way using LUTs to get colours back. I did not found HLG (!) LUTs in the internet at that time.

    I am pretty sure that Resolve offers many possibilities to work on HLG. What I want to show is an easy way to grade HLG footage getting a good result. HDR will be a rising feature and will be implemented in more public editing software in future. I am sure about this. Just drag and drop the LUT on your clip, finished.

    I offer a LUT for free. So you do not have to pay anything. The other LUTs differ in tone/colour mapping. Depended on your footage you can chose the suitable solution yourself.

    So for me Resolve or taking LUTs are both feasible solutions.


  5.  No, I did not create a video yet but it is a good idea. I will upload when it is created. 
    Meanwhile on my website http://www.famoss.de/samples.htm there is a gallery of some images. There you can compare different pictures taken as screenshots from graded videos using different Luts including the original nongraded picture.
    Bt.2020 has a wider gamma and gammut as Bt.709. As each footage has its own gamma/gammut characteristic I realized that there is no universal Lut to do a good transformation. Some Luts are good for low light some for bright pictures. In addition mid tones are treated differently.
    So watch yourself.

  6. Shooting in HLG (I prefer HLG3) is great for creation of HLG videos but as already mentioned on SDR TV it looks dull. I was searching for a LUT too that transforms bt.2020 back to bt.709 keeping highlights/color as good as possible.
    If you are searching for a technical LUT I suppose this is what you mean?
    As I was not successful I created LUTs myself. On my website http://www.famoss.de you can download and test it. It should work for every HLG capable camera. The test LUT is free for use.
    I created it based on footage of my Alpha 7mk3.

    Good luck!

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