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Posts posted by PaoloIT

  1. I have both GX85 and BMPCC since slightly more than a month, so no so extensive experience and still studying how to use them at best. I opted for both as useful for shooting multicam on low budget (BMPCC is today a second hand bargain). I use to work out 1080 as to me is best balance today for quality & handling. 

    I must say with cinelog D the GX85 is much better now, I always shoot 4K and the quality is really high and the camera with IBIS and VF is a pleasure to use. On the other hand BMPCC feels much more consistent as video camera, easier to set and operate and the IQ, even if not detailed as GX85 4K is more organic and cinematic, it has something that impress and capture watching the screen. The real plus is the raw capture: it opens up to whatever change/mod in postpro.

    Both need external recording solution for audio. If I'd have to keep one? I think today it would be BMPCC, but if you think to work in 4K and need for still photos, GX85 is a bargain and you'll not be disappointed. And in the future if you'll buy GH5 it will compliment it very well as B cam.

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