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Posts posted by DrewTNBD

  1. Thanks very much - just reserved a used Sony a6500 for £878. Picking it up tomorrow. I compared the image quality and the Sony does look better than the Panasonic. I also liked how wide open I could get the ISO before it started to introduce noise.


    Gonna pick up an m42 to e-mount adapter, so I can use my existing Yashica lens... and then I'm gonna go vintage lens shopping to expand my collection.

  2. I do have one of these: https://www.amazon.com/Dimmable-Digital-Camcorder-Panasonic-Samsung/dp/B004TJ6JH6

    Which I usually aim at my pedalboard when filming it. In the small room above though, as you can imagine... there isn't really much room for lights - too many guitar amps!!


    It does get quite hot in there too - again... all the valve amps!!


    Lots of tests on Youtube though where people have been able to record for hours.

  3. 23 minutes ago, jonpais said:

    Perhaps, but he's already ordered from UK Amazon. He says noise was his primary consideration, and both the Sony and the Fuji have better low light performance, and not just by a little bit. And for the millionth time, it's really next to impossible to give advice to newbies asking for camera advice when they don't say exactly how they'll be using the camera anyway. 

    Sorry I did not mean to say that noise was my primary consideration. I just said I wanted something that had better performance than my Canon - which all three of these do I'm sure. I just cancelled my order though, as I'm not confident in my choice. I appreciate the criticism. Let me be a bit more thorough in what I will be using a new camera for.


    I play in a band, and will be doing some vlogging work, some rehearsal recordings, play-through videos, and gear demos. There will also be the occasional experiments in music videos eventually too!

    This was done on my bandmates Sony A7S. It shows the sort of low-light environment we rehearse in:


    This I did with my Canon 650D + Yashica combo:


    This I did with the Canon too:


    And this:




    So basically... I'm very music centric. I had external recorders for my audio, and I don't mind syncing audio afterwards. So recording directly into the camera isn't *THAT* important to me. But having an on-board microphone would be useful for that sync job I suppose.


    My price research (body only):

    A used Sony A6500 - 122,963yen. In GBP this is around £880. So within budget.

    A used Fujifilm X-T2 - 135,000yen. In GBP this is around £966. Within budget again.

    A brand new Panasonic G85 is £629 from Amazon.co.uk - again, body only. £799 including the kit lens. I cannot find a better price than that here in Japan right now.


    Japan prices above are all tax-free. I leave Japan on March 9th, so I've got a week or so to decide if I'm going to pick something up here.


    Would definitely appreciate some guidance, coz I've not looked at cameras for 5 years or so and I'm totally out of touch *as well as* being a total n00b anyway!


    Regarding buying a camera in Japan - the Panasonic allows you to choose English. The Sony does not, although there is a hack out there to reveal the option. The Fujifilm allows the choice of language too.


  4. Okay, I just decided to do it! Ordered. It was actually cheaper for me in the UK though, so I've ordered it from Amazon and will get it once I return back to the UK in a couple of weeks. Whilst in Tokyo I'll do some lens hunting though, and then get adapters once I'm back too.


    I want to get a 10mm, a 35mm, and a 50mm. I'd like to get something a bit unusual too, but not sure what. Maybe something that can do macro shots. Thoughts on lenses??

  5. Hey gang, my first post so apologies if this is in the wrong area!

    I'm a total hobbyist, but my 650D is getting a little long in the tooth now. I want to upgrade to a mirrorless camera that can do 4K and has better noise performance. Right now I'm in Tokyo visiting family, and since I'm a foreigner I can get a camera tax-free. So I could potentially save a bit of money. My budget is around £1000; so about 140000jpy. I'm looking at:

    Panasonic G8 (G80/G85) - Like the 4K and the IQ, like the IBIS. No experience with a MFT sensor - will I lose that much compared to the 650D's APS-C sensor?

    Fujifilm X-T2 - Like the 4K and the IQ, but no IBIS. Bigger APS-C sensor than the Panasonic, but again... not sure I will miss anything if I went MFT?

    Sony A6500 - Like the 4K, the noise performance and the IQ. No IBIS again, and I don't fancy dealing with overheating like what I've read up online!


    Lenses I have... not too many to be honest! I've mainly been using a Yashica DS-M 50mm 1.7 with an adapter, and I really like the richness of the colour and bokeh from that one. The other one I've been using is the Canon EF 40mm f/2.8 STM.


    I'm leaning towards the Panasonic G8, with maybe adding some vintage lenses and an adapter. What adapter should I consider if I wanted to pick up something like a Zeiss Tevidon 16mm or 10mm? I saw this video:

    .. and I *REALLY* like the shots there!!


    Am I missing anything - should I consider another camera or lens approach??

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