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Clément Boulanger

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Posts posted by Clément Boulanger

  1. Hi everyone,

    a little question about video stabilization.

    I'm starting to make videos, mainly corporate videos, and I have a GH4.

    For the moment, I shoot all with monopod but this month I decided to buy a Ronin-M to try new things!

    But now I see GH5 properties with 5 axis stabilized sensor (+2 in lens). I met 2 videographers today who use Ronin and they were saying that with GH5, Ronin or steadicam will become useless and you will be able to shoot all with hand...

    I'm beginner so I wanted your opinion on that. I'm just wondering if it's a good idea to spend money for Ronin while GH5 is released soon...

  2. 1 hour ago, Gregormannschaft said:

    If it helps, I don't recall Premiere having a 4K export option in the export presets. I always have to manually dial in the resolution, unless I'm missing something...

    Ok, i guess it's not a problem. To be sure, i sent a mail to Film Convert support.

  3. Yes, ok to always export in the highest quality. But it seemed weird to me to have in FC export settings 1920x1080 as the maximum size.

    For me, if the stand-alone app supports 4K, it should suggest this size in export settings, without having to do it manually... It's why i'm wondering. 

  4. Hi everyone!

    I'm starting in filmmaking and i have some questions about workflow. For the moment, I use FCPX with Film Convert in stand-alone version (because FCPX is so slow with the plugin). So, maybe I do things in the wrong way, maybe what I will say seems stupid so don't hesitate to say me, I'm beginner and don't know a lot yet. And sorry for English mistakes, not my native language. :)


    At first I make editing in FCPX and I export the timeline to grade it in Film Convert. My question is about the FC exportation before reimport graded footage in FCPX. I have 2 cases :

    1. 4K project with 4K footage. Does Film Convert support 4K footage? The exportation doesn't suggest 4K format, I can set size manually but will I keep the same quality of footage? (Seems the exported video files from FC are a bit lighter than original...)

    2. 1080 project with some 4K footage. So, this question depends of the answer of 1st question but if I have 4K footage, should I export it from FC in 1080 directly or it's better to export in 4K and FCPX will resize it in project.


    Thank you in advance for your answers! ;)


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