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Posts posted by DmitriZigany

  1. I have the FX9 on pre-order... my only big issues with it is that FF 50/60p is a 5K crop and that you need the XDAC extension for raw output. I’d be fine if it still needed external recorder, but both the big back AND a recorder is a bit much. On the other hand, the internal codec will be fine for 90% of my work, and for the rest 10bit 422 ProRes via a Ninja V will be just fine. 

    No 6K recording is also not an issue as that’s twice the file sizes of 4K. I’m already struggling with file sizes of decent codec 4K.

    The FX6 will probably be an FS5-like version of the FX9. Smaller and with crappier codecs. Will be interesting to see what kind of raw output it gets. 
    In one of the FX9 videos a Sony representative said the change in name from FS to FX indicated the full frame sensor. Which makes me believe that the FX6 will also be full frame. My guess is that it will be announced at NAB at the earliest (and shipping a few months after). Most likely later.

    The only cameras that I know of that does FF 4K 50/60p or above are VENICE, RED, Canon C700/500II and the FF Arris. All others only do 50/60p in crop mode. Which means that if 50/60p is really important to you, you might as well get a S35 camera. Or pay the big bucks. I don’t think this will change with the A7SIII. 

    The reason there’s no IBIS in the FX9 is that it’s not possible to combine with the electronic ND filter at this time. 

  2. 17 hours ago, DaveAltizer said:

    What if they merge it into their cine series. Charge $5499 for it and put that Cine Alta badge on it. 

    Cine Alta start with the F5 which is $15.000-ish? The FS-line isn’t Cine Alta and is where it would end up most likely. 

    But I would love if it merged with the FS-line. As i said, an A7SIII in an FS5 body. Hell yeah!

  3. 12 hours ago, ianhodgson123 said:

    You put the question will the "A7sIII" effect the FS5? Yes a small part of the market, but for pro shooters the fact you only have 29min record time on a camera makes it's use limited. 

    Sony themselves have already stated that they estimate that the A7 line cannibalise around 30% of their FS-series cameras. And no wonder if they bring out silly updates like the FS5mkII. They need to start to bring some of the innovations of the A7-line to the FS-line!

    My dream camera is an A7SIII in an FS5 body. Now with the Ninja V, I don’t even care if it does 10bit internally. Just give me a video camera body with ibis and the improved AF and full frame... (along with what the FS5 already have). I’d easily pay €7-8000 for that!

  4. Very disappointed in the FS5II as well! I was really hoping to see some of the innovations from the A7 line make it into a FS5 form factor. The FS5 would really come to it’s own with IBIS and the auto focus of the new A7/9 cameras... 

    Regarding the A7SIII, my guess is it will be 10bit in HD and 8bit 4K internally and 10bit 4K with the Ninja V. Maybe if they wanna go crazy it’ll have ProRes RAW with the Ninja V... Another killer feature would be if they could squeeze the electronic ND from the FS5 into the A7SIII! If they manage that they would get away with 8bit internally (and 10bit externally).

  5. I don't mind them trying to make a sequel... Even if it's one tenth as good as the original/first, it will most likely still be twice as good as most things coming out ;)

    I really hate the idea that Deckard could be a Replicant. So the biggest thing they could do to eff things up for me is that if he is. (they could explain it by saying that if the 4-year lifespan is never implemented, they age like humans, I would hate that).

  6. Trailer has me alternating between "Wow!" and "No!" (or at least "meh!").

    Biggest worries for me are Denis Villeneuve and Roger Deakins. Haven't seen anything by either of them that really impressed me. Deakins is a great technician, but he's not an artist. Maybe he can pull it off as there's a clear blueprint to follow with Blade Runner... I'm staying cautiously optimistic...

    Whoever to forgot to tell Harrison Ford to change from his t-shirt into costume should have been fired though ;)

  7. The FS700 only outputs 100fps and above as raw data. So with any current Atomos product you are limited to HD at 60p. 4K up to 30p only.
    The inferno is said to do 4K at 60p, but I haven't seen anywhere where it has been specifically stated that it can turn the FS700 raw and turn it to 60p ProRes. I assume it will though. Also haven't seen anything that says specifically it will be able to turn the FS700's high speed 2K raw and record it. So until that is clarified, it's a bit of a crap shot. Also the release date of the Inferno can slip (or not).

    So with current Shoguns you have 60p HD and 30p 4K. 

    Before I bought the 7Q I was looking into the Shogun... But one of the things that made me go for the 7Q+ in the end was Atomos total silence. I tried emailing and asking on their forum (now defunct) to no avail. Convergent Designs on the other hand are VERY responsive. The really have a professional customer service second to none.

    If you have the time, hold out and see what the Inferno brings, if you want a recorder that is proven, ships and works now, the 7Q is the only choice (if you want anything above 30p).

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