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Kit Laughlin

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Posts posted by Kit Laughlin

  1. I make videos for my Vimeo on Demand channel. I am not interested in the ultimate video quality (I was a network TV director and film-make in the old, pre-digital days) but usability/functionality/practicality while shooting video does feature high on my priorities.

    I have three Panny G6s and one OMD EM5 (mk I) and an X-100s as the carry-everywhere body. 

    I owned the EM5 Mk II briefly (even bought locally, as it's a "world camera" as far as frame rates are concerned; this is great) but sent it back, swallowing a restocking fee to do so. Why?

    Andrew wrote:

    You can't change exposure during a shot, controls lock up. 

    This was my experience too, and using one of the 1080 codecs (I could not work out which one) AF on half shutter press simply did not work. I repeated this a number of times, too. It's a bug. 

    I loved the stabilisation; truly remarkable, but usability compared to the G6 bodies (ISO on a button; ditto WB; aperture; exp. comp. on front slider; and SS adjustable on the fly) was poor. Having to access exp. comp. via a touch screen did not work for me; it might for you. 

    I loved much else about the camera and was hoping that I had found the carry-everywhere stills camera that doubles as the steadycam on location, but I sent it back; it is not that, for me. 

    So near, and yet so far.

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