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Mark Ian Burnstein

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    Mark Ian Burnstein reacted to leeys in How would you kit out an NX1?   
    I guess not everyone here is a professional or an enthusiast. More zoom = better is a fairly common consumer sentiment... until you show them the results from a high end lens.
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    Mark Ian Burnstein reacted to SleepyWill in How would you kit out an NX1?   
    Think of it this way, if you stand face to face with someone, noses only 2cm apart, and you move your head forward until your noses touch, it's only a change in viewpoint of 2cm but it makes a dramatic impression on the passive viewer (the other person) who will probably pull back from you. Now stand 200 meters away and dolly yourself 2 meters towards them, bet they hardly noticed you moved.
    It's a bit of a fluffed simile, but it makes the point quite nicely, that it's not the magnification that is important, it's what you do with it. 50mm is a nice portrait length, on super35, 150 is a very long telefocal length. So you can have a really dramatic change in viewpoint with "only" a 3x magnification (and when you really get down to it, how many times the wide end can be divided into the long end is a really quite odd way to judge a lens).
    Also remember every lens is a compromise, the wider a range of focal lengths any single lens covers, the more the lens is going to be compromised to deal with the optical effects - how can one lens adequately control both balloon distortion at the wide end and pincushion distortion at the long end, answer is with absolutely insanely expensive optics or it just doesn't but balanced some balloon with some pincushion and hope the middle is about right (and that is only one of many compromises). This is why you will find the better quality lenses have a lower magnification, they specialise in their range and do it well.
    If you want one lens that rules them all, one lens that finds them, one lens to bring them all and in the darkness binds them, one single lens that covers every possible focal length, then why would you buy an interchangeable lens camera in the first place. They are fundamentally designed to take advantage of the higher quality optics while retaining the flexibility to be able to shoot a wide range of focal lengths. The compromise, it takes a few seconds to put a different one on.
    Also, trust me on this, the Samsung 18-200 is not a pro lens and it is not a movie lens, it's a lens designed to have a giant x11 on the packaging to sell it.
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    Mark Ian Burnstein got a reaction from /p/ in How would you kit out an NX1?   
    Feel better!
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