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Michael Thames

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Everything posted by Michael Thames

  1. My graphics card is dying a slow painful death, so I was thinking of just getting a new logic board, or should I just bite the bullet and get a new MacBook? The one I have now is a 2010, i7 2.66 ghz dual core, which seems to serve my purposes well. I do mostly video stuff with my 5D3 in snow leopard with FCP6, I'm not a professional video guy, I'm a guitar maker who likes to make videos of guys and girls who play my guitars as well as offer some tutorials on guitar making. I guess if I get a new MacBook FCP6 won't work any more so I've got to get FCP X.... but, I digress. The question I have here is for editing video will I notice any significant difference between a 2.0 quad core, a 2.3 or a 2.8? Remember, I'm used to things on my MacBook with 2.66 GHZ dual core and 8 gigs of ram, and a regular hard drive. So I'm going up to a potential 2.0 to 2.8 GHZ with an SSD drive and 16 gigs of ram. Maybe a 2.0 will seem incredibly fast compared to my old Mac? I only care about the speed as it relates to video speed and rendering. Here is the kinda stuff I do if any one interested.
  2. I thought it was an obvious win for the 5D3 over the GH4. At 800 ISO the GH4 couldn't pick up the flashing light on the tower.
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