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Everything posted by deezid

  1. Only tried the A7SII. Was a terrible experience with skies or other plain backgrounds. S-Log 3 completely unusable, even worse than V-Log L on the GH4. Cine4 + Pro Color or Sgamut3.cine was the go-to with similar dynamic range but way cleaner.
  2. Looked at the eterna footage. Looks pretty good to me. No crazy oversharpening like internal X-T2 footage anymore. Quite organic actually with some nice color and smooth grain. @Attila Bakos yh, that sucks. Was pretty hard for me to deal with it in Resolve (GH4 V-Log footage). Almost impossible to get rid of.
  3. Going to download these samples. Looks like there's lots of macro blocking. Looks like GH4 footage honestly, the GH5 is way cleaner. Jumping on the 10 bit train was a good decision for sure. Eterna should be a better option on the X-H1. Will try and see...
  4. Would recommend Firefox instead, if accurate Color is important.
  5. The strong noise reduction (which can't be turned off) and terrible color separation especially between red and orange are other reasons for me not to use HLG. V-Log is way better. In terms of Luma usage both are actually pretty similar. V-Log uses full range, HLG limited range.
  6. Glad you like it. Made some curve adjustments to add a little bit more shadow detail without making it too flat.
  7. Another attempt, this time with cleaned up background, less contrast in bg (some grain added to hide). Brightened up skin for more contrast between background. Overall richer blacks.
  8. Here's mine. Lots of sharpening added. Kinda like Canon color, was easy to get there.
  9. The outdoor shots look great to me. The indoor shots need some grading though. Nice colors, dynamic range and no crazy overprocessing (like my GH5)
  10. There"s a view assist for HLG which helps exposing to the right using histogram. You can expose to the exact clipping point in HLG mode and Davinci Resolve (only Davinci Resolve atm) will show it correctly.
  11. That's exactly what it is. Open the files in Resolve and you'll see the full range without adjusting anything.
  12. More sharpening and noise reduction.
  13. True, the EVA1 blows both of them out of water easily. Biggest difference are indeed lack of internal processing (at least visible processing) and higher dynamic range as well as way nicer color. https://***URL removed***/reviews/panasonic-lumix-dc-gh5s-review/8 Some horrible oversharpening in the video samples, the Sony A7sII looks way better to me. But then, probably standard Panasonic settings again...
  14. I still didn't see any sample with sharpening and nr set to -5. This may fix the problem. (I hope so...)
  15. The 18-35 is anything but silent. Ruined a wideangle close up shot for me...
  16. If you don't plan to shoot RAW, the GH5 is the better camera in terms of video quality. The RAW on the C200 puts it onto another level though. Both the GH5 and A6500 have way better, more natural looking video than the X-Pro2 and are in about the same price range.
  17. As I said, looks like Mavic or Smartphone footage, minus compression artifacts. The hideous oversharpening and addition of artificial microcontrast gives it a really cheap look. The GH5 (6K -5 sharpening), A6500/A7R2/3, EVA1, C200 (RAW) etc. look way more professional. Advantage of the X-Pro2 is that it would intercut with many modern smarthphones quite well.
  18. After grading some sample footage from LensProToGo (pulling a former powergrade I did for the GH5 to the EVA1 footage with no adjustments) I'm totally convinced, that the EVA-1 is the best looking camera below 10 grands. Colorscience is superb (only slightly different than the GH5 - Powergrade worked perfectly), absolutely no image "worseners" like sharpening nor noisereduction - great detail and noise structure, and great motion cadence as well as dynamic range. Only the 8 bit artifacts in the slowmotion parts worry me a bit. Link to original grading (+ links to raw footage) here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Dy8djdDPyc
  19. MediaEncoder from Adobe. But yeah, still another step to go through. Wish H265 was bugfree and fast...
  20. Try converting to cineform instead. Seems clean so far (but a bit slower than ProRes I think in DR)
  21. Ewww (But probably user error or "Preference") The oversharpening and lack of low contrast detail is not a sign of good IQ tbh, looks almost like DJI Mavic Pro footage. The A6500 doesn't suffer from that issue.
  22. Never! Because this is one of biggest differences between Prosumer and Professional cameras. Professional cameras usually don't show any evidence of this kind of mess a GH5 e.g. produces. The 6K anamorphic mode is the closest to something like RED footage we can get. But I still would love to see an option to disable all of it, so I have less work in Post to do. And I don't need a better low light performance as much as I do need some better DR in uncontrolled lighting situations right now. ATM I have to use noise reduction a lot since DR is simply not enough in many situations - while I never use any NR in low light situations, lol Had to denoise all the clips in the chapel in the following film, while I didn't in the outdoor night scenes. (Shot on GH5/GX85/P4P)
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