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Anthony Vallejo-Sanderson

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    Anthony Vallejo-Sanderson got a reaction from Chris Elkerton in Shooting ML Raw Anamorphic Advice   
    Hey Chris, 
    I'd recommend doing a ton of camera test. Personally, I love the ML raw anamorphic workflow. It reminds me a lot of what it was like to shoot on film. It's really a disciplined flow and a scary one at the some time, cause you really don't know if you got the shot till the footage is "processed". 
    I haven't shot ML on the MK2, but with the MK3 I've had some really fun times. I've been using the komputerbay 64gb cards with great results. I get about 12 min of footage while shooting at the highest possible resolution. My post workflow is: convert to DNG's with RAW magic, quick color pass in Davinci, edit in CC Premiere then final color grade and final render out of davinci. Sometimes, after my first color pass I export the clips from davinci as profess and edit as proxy files then relink in davinci for the picture locked final color grade. It's kind of a clunky work flow, there's a ton of other and more efficient ways I'm sure but I like this method. 
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    Anthony Vallejo-Sanderson got a reaction from ch_d in quick Diopter changes   
    So after using them on a test shoot I've come to realize that what you gain in speed you forfeit for security....like Lucian said above. It's so nice being able to change out diopters so quickly though, but I can only imagine after some time the magnets will start to fade. I'm not sure I would trust it with a expensive/rare filter/diopter, especially during handheld shots. 
    Another thing I would note about the filters is the idea of magnets and media (SD/CF cards) together in the same gear bag. Makes me nervous. 
    So in conclusion, I'd keep it old school and take the few extra seconds to screw on a diopter. 
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    Anthony Vallejo-Sanderson got a reaction from ch_d in Van Diemen Iscorama upgrade   
    I second the above question:

    What vocas lens support is that?
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    Anthony Vallejo-Sanderson got a reaction from ch_d in quick Diopter changes   
    I randomly came across this on ebay:
    Sounds like it would be great for faster Diopter changes. Few of my concerns (besides a hundred bucks for magnets) are possible vignetting? I know I get some vignetting when I stack diopters on my isco 36, full frame.  
    Anyone have any experiences with these?
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