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Posts posted by Ronaldpr

  1. I also have a 5Diii running ML. I'm not going to buy the GH4 because I don't need 4K, and with my 5D I'm getting a full-frame sensor and a better codec without the added bulk and cost of an external recorder. Plus, I get NIGHTLY firmware updates from Magic Lantern. I just downloaded last night's and it's hard to believe all the bells and whistles that have been added in just the past week.


    In terms of shooting with raw, I use it for the option of matching white balance between shots and tweaking exposure. Then I export them out to 12-bit ProRes 4444 files, and edit and grade as usual.


    I don't bother with the KomputerBay cards. To me, the piece of mind that I get from the Lexar 1000x cards is worth the extra cost.


    If you are really keen on 4K, then maybe the GH4 is the camera for you. But otherwise, the 5Diii delivers some of the best 1080P I've seen, and you already own one!


    This answer interest me. Could you give a breef description which tool you are using for your first part of the workflow creating the pro-res mov out of the raw files?
    Thousand thanks for your answer!

  2. Hello,


    i wil buy a camera next month. I like the 5d since i am also a photographer. To be honest i am getting a bit dizzy with all the raw workflows. I am using the latest version of Adobe Premierre. I would not mind having to go trough 1 conversion proces before an edit. But in the edit i like to have a workable file which i can use for speed changes, color correction, blend modes, etc. Once i am in the edit room i like to concentrate on the edit proces.


    Is there an easy proces with the raw video like converting it to a prores file?

    Can Premierre edit the raw files natively?

    If it works natively how does it work, sludgy or fast enough?

    Converting from raw to DNG and edit the DNG in premierre, a good option or outdated workflow?


    Or should i seriously consider a GH4 if i like a simple work flow?



    A use a mac pro, will upgrade this year to a new macpro.



    Thanks for all the help, i need to get some advise.





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