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Simon Shasha

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Status Replies posted by Simon Shasha

  1. Hey Simon, about time you vented your feelings doco style. I heersfully support what you've been saying. well said. Cheers Brian Heard.

    1. Simon Shasha

      Simon Shasha

      Hey Brian,

      That means a lot to me, truly. I was on the verge requesting Andrew delete my account (still considering it). I'm fed up with all these people that lack objectivity or any sense. They seem to go with what's popular, and kick and scream and call you names if you go against their narrative, or the narrative they've been fed, in any way.

      What's worse is to be Syrian, to sit here in the safety of Sydney, Australia, and every day call my family back home in Syria to check on them, and then be belittled and berated about Syria by someone that has never set foot there and has gotten their information from CNN.

      Soon I will take myself back home and make a documentary about Syria's Christians, and what the Western backed "rebels" did to them. However, I'm sure many of these phoney progressive commentators and their herds will find a way to shoot it down. So be it. I know open minds and truth seekers will appreciate it.

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