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Posts posted by tristan

  1. As far as using super 16mm lenses, I wonder if there's enough image to use them while shooting in 4k then crop to 1080p in post to get around vignetting.

    So, everywhere there's talk of it's dual native ISO, but nothing I've seen says what this dual ISOs actually are. Tech specs sheet just says "dual native ISO up to 25,600". I'd be curious if it's the same as the GH5s, or if they've tuned it differently. 

  2. Fingers crossed that Panasonic will also announce better noise handling & DR.

    As always, Panasonic announces a product that is pushing the limits of technology and listening to it's customers while Canon plays catch-up with conservative, blandly specced and overpriced products. Unfortunately, Canon will probably out sell everyone. It seems like anyone wanting to take down Canon needs to focus on three things.

    1) Glass, because that's the entire reason Canon outsells everyone (lots of headway made here lately).

    2) Color, because that's the number 1 reason for not wanting to switch to better specc'ed cameras (lookin' at you Sony).

    3) Service, because pro photo/video people need to be taken care of when equipment breaks and they're making a living with the equipment. Canon's pro service is second to none.

    6 minutes ago, Neumann Films said:

    I should probably just play it safe.  Also, I just fixed the "Shift" key on my laptop.  :)

    I can see it now...
    "(FT5 Rumor) Luke Neumann leaks that new Panasonic GH5 will have the shift key fixed!!"

  3. 24 minutes ago, Neumann Films said:

    when someone signs a non disclosure agreement, can they still talk about a product?  obviously, they can't reveal First hand knowledge, bUt what about simpLy taLking about tHe proDuct?  does anyone have soMe Info that could help me out? :)

    Did you get a copy of the NDA?

  4. Convergent Design is approaching the paying-for-extra-recording-options issue a little differently than others, too. You have the option to purchase the recording options/codecs in full, or actually "rent" the licenses as needed, which I would assume is a cheap way of giving you what you'd need when you absolutely have to have 4k raw, without making you pay for it all up front when you mainly shoot 2k.


    I'm a little confused, because in the video the Sony guy says the Odessy 7Q will record 2k in CinemaDNG up to 240fps, and 4k DPX up to 30fps, but the specs on the Convergent Design website say HD/2k Raw up to 120fps, and 4k up to 120fps .




    If anyone gets clarification, i'd love to know what the capabilities really are. Supposedly prices won't be announced until May, so we don't really know how much cheaper the Odessy option is, exactly -- unless you've got some insider info, Andrew? 


    Also, to clarify, according to the Odessy Q7 specs .dpx is a container for their "Uncompressed" video,  and .dng is their Raw format.

  5. Speaking of using natural light sources. Has anyone heard of CRLS (Cine Reflect Lighting System), aka the Berger & Bartenback system? It often uses a single 5000 watt light and a bunch of reflectors for an entire lighting system, though it can also use the sun. Not sure how practical it is, but it definitely takes bounce lighting to a new level.

    Hear's the website explaining the idea and a little documentary about the process:
  6. I'm wondering if all of the horrible moire and aliasing footage we've seen from the D800 is really coming from people who have the D800E (which has the high-pass filter deactivated), but don't actually know it. I'm waiting to see footage from people I know I can trust to be anal about knowing the difference between details like that. *nudge* *nudge*
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