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Posts posted by rufang

  1. I'm just getting into the post processing side of photography and need a good software that I can buy. 

    I don't necessarily need the best, I need the best FOR ME. I am a new hobbyist and have been shooting for less than one year. I have some photos I think are really great and have yet to try my hand at editing.

     I have read reviews ( https://pctechtest.com/22-best-photo-editing-software ), but it is still a tough decision. I'm not crazy about paying a recurring subscription, but it is what it is.

    The issue is I don't necessarily know yet what features I need, but I'm most concerned with color adjustment, noise reductions, the ability to correct distortions and chromatic abherations, and the lens profiles sound appealing. I guess I'd be willing to lay down up to $100 to purchase the software.

    I'm looking at Photoshop Express, Affinity Photo, On1 Photo Raw, DXO Photolab, and Corel Paintshop. I'd love some feedback from others. 

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