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Posts posted by jbeech

  1. I think kye nailed it. Don't recall exactly what he said but the gist of it is; smartphones and image quality of video at x level dropping in price as sensors transition from 4K, 6K, 8K, and now 12K.

    Long time photographer/videographer. Mostly the latter. Circumstances took me from the production world for a 15 year stretch, and placed me in the former. When I realized I could capture an adequate image with an iPhone 4S, my Nikon D2H gathered dust. No, NOT saying as good an image as the Nikon, but that the image was adequate for purpose. The D2H is made for action and sports, and along with my 70-200VR lens remain an excellent tool for this purpose - but - for product photography destined for a webpage? Good grief, I am so 'very' productive with an iPhone!

    Videocamera-wise, I am recently making my return. What have I learned? The transition to YouTube is complete (I'm a pre-YouTube producer). This means the SD transition to HD (525-line to 1080 and interlaced to progressive image display, plus 4:3 to 16:9). But here's the thing; while I have comparatively loads of money, instead of buying an Sony FX6 I've been picking up used Sony FS700R and FS5 off eBay very cheaply.

    These are S35 sensors and produce gorgeous images and their prices are in the dirt. Who am I to argue with those who believe the latest camera will take them to the next level? Not me! Instead, and very conscious of what, 'the tool does not the craftsman make' means, I've chosen to equip myself with five FS700R for an average of $1700, plus a nifty little switcher from Blackmagic for studio production. Plus an FS5 for field work (automagical HD is the heat). Both output 4K, but honestly, for my purposes of HD deliverable largely destined for YouTube? These are all I need.

    I suspect I'm not the only guy to realize I can spend less for seriously good tools, hence the drop in shipments. But the biggie in all this are smartphone cameras. They're the tail that wags the dog!

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