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Posts posted by Kurt8

  1. Thanks for the reply BTM_Pix. I am intrigued by this USB keyboard trigger idea. Does that mean that I connect the keyboard to the Mix Pre 3's USB port and the the Mix Pre 3 to the GH3 via HDMI cable? Then it is actually the Mix Pre 3 which triggers the GH3?


    P.S. Completed the shoot today by manually starting the Mix Pre 3 followed by the GH3. Syncing the audio and video using PluralEyes 4 right now. Seems to be working just fine as long as I remember to start both devices.

  2. Just picked up a used Panasonic GH3 for a video project. I would prefer to record sound using my Sound Devices Mix Pre 3 (not running the audio signal into the camera at all). Is there any way I can get the GH3 to trigger the start record function on the Mix Pre 3? I see that the GH3 has an HDMI out but I am not seeing anything in the literature that says it can be used to trigger the recorder. Sound Devices has confirmed to me that the Mix Pre 3 can be triggered via an HDMI record flag but can the G3 send one?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

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