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Posts posted by Jnc0108

  1. 21 hours ago, KnightsFan said:

    The mod should work after you take the card out. It's been a long time since I've installed the mod, and I forget exactly how I did it. From the readme:

    So it looks like you just put the files on the SD card, put the card in, and follow on screen instructions. Afterwards, you should be able to use the mod without the card being in the camera.

    I never had any need for removing a time limit, but it seems that the patch should remove the time limit. (https://github.com/ottokiksmaler/nx500_nx1_modding/blob/master/Removing_Movie_Recording_Limit_Without_Hack.md)

    Thank I will give it a try! it mentions that the sd light should blink 4 times (1 long and 3 short) which shows the nx on mod is active. When I format the card it no longer does this so didnt know whether the mod is actually working or not. I will have another go at it.

  2. Hey guys, new to the NX1, formerly panasonic GH5S (I know mad arent I) but I love this camera and its a great hybrid. I am having issues installing the hack. I have succesfully installed the NX-ON mod. But I am confused. The mod only works if the install folder remains on the card, so does that mean I can never format it again? I read the part about installing in abother folder onto the actual camera but I am unsure how to do that. Am I missing something? Also with the install patch 5.3 can I also remove the recording limit? I need to remove this importantly. Hope you guys can help.

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