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Eric Yeong

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Posts posted by Eric Yeong

  1. Hi Guys, anyone here has shot timelapse with GH5s? Lately, I had a project shooting timelapse with it... and had some issues.

    The first problem, intermittently... the camera will stop shooting and came out a dialogue box that asked me to turn off and on the camera. After reboot the camera, the camera will continue shooting the timelapse in the same sequence... but the problem will come again couple of times in random. The interval of my timelapse is around 5sec per frame.

    second, my setup was 5sec interval.... set at aperture priority, Lumix 7-14mm... shooting day to night timelapse... when the shutter hit more than a second... sometimes it opened not not closing back... and cause the camera to jam and keep recording... hanged and not responding.. had to take out the camera battery to reactivate the camera.

    third issue... when rendering the timelapse into 4k video, it splitted into few different video files... probably cause by the camera stopped or hanged half way... but the camera didn’t indicate it stop the timelapse sequence... it just says ‘pause’....

    Any thoughts or sharing would be much appreciated.

    thanks, Eric.


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