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Posts posted by H2videoNL

  1. Hi Andrew,

    Just got the v5 upgrade, but ran in some challenges implementing it on my A7Rm2 and RX10M2 (4k versions with picture profiles).

    Your descriptions mentions under GAMMA (choise 1!) (and then CINE 4) but the RX10m2 only has CIne 1 and 2)

    Further there is nog S-Gamut3.cine (just S-Gamut)

    No changes to the A7M2 camera's... 

    So what do you recommend?



  2. Hi Andrew,

    Quick question, it's driving me nuts" focus behavior in video mode on the A7M2 (as compared to the A7RM3)...

    Whatever I do and try: focus behavior in the A7M2 is limited to face follow of object tracking, or the object / talent has to stay in the middle. All settings for focus do not apply in video mode 9unless you push the shutter button and refocus. if the object is off center the video will focus on what is in the center.

    Do you mean to say: this has all been fixed in the A7Riii ? Does it use the pre selected focus moder (wide, zone, centre, flexioble spot) and use that. because there is no way to get that to work in the A7ii.

    I have tried everything, if you have any trick up your sleve, please let me know. I now reside to focus and switch to manual, in order to keep focus on objects off center... Occasioannly i repeat that.


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