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Posts posted by Potato42

  1. Tito,

    Great job on your shoot. I think the other guys have already given you fantastic feedback about what may have gone wrong with the presentation. I also found myself frustrated in trying to get the most out of it, being that much of the information is separate. I believe what is important for any project is to stay focused on what the goals are, in this case a comparison of 3 different anamorphic adapters. I think leaving the adapter information on screen throughout would have been better, and a separate link for the narrative video on it's own.


    I feel like I got a lot out of the video, mostly the idea that I don't really like any of the adapters! I felt the rectilux bothered me most, with it's very blurry/smeary edges and even the top and bottom of frame was affected. For me it was most evident during the shots of the female character crouched and digging through pockets toward the end. I naturally was looking for her face, but it was so horribly blurry!


    Have you tested the rapido single focus solution? That's the one that has my attention now.

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