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Kevin Gates

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Posts posted by Kevin Gates

  1. I've seen this posted in a few places. Essentially with a monitor connected via HDMI in Manual mode I can see the image including aperture/shutter speed settings etc, but pressing record the screen goes black and the image goes back to the LCD on the back of the camera. In Movie mode I can see only the image, not the aperture/shutter speed settings etc, but again pressing record the image on the monitor goes black and the image goes back to the camera.

    I've tried all HDMI settings, Monitor settings (Monitor/Viewfinder Manual/Auto) but nothing works - the monitor always switches off when I press record. Now I did manage to get it working once a few weeks ago, but I simply cannot fathom out how I did it. I think it's a combination of settings and switching the camera on/off, disconnecting the HDMI etc, but it's completely retarded.

    Has anyone got a method from start to finish that works? A monitor is so important with this camera outdoors as if you're shooting in 4K the LCD dims to the point where you can't see anything.

    Hope someone can assist.

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