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Posts posted by CaptnKevn

  1. Hey there! I work in an advertising agency and I'm becoming one of the in-house directors to start a small production company that will make digital videos (content) and eventually big commercial ads.

    One of my main concerns is what cameras to invest in and how they'd mix together. I've worked a lot with the Sony A7s and feel like I need that for the run-and-gun type shoots, I will definitely have those. But for big productions (TVCs, broadcast and digital film ads), I was looking at either the FS5, FS7 or even the Ursa Mini.

    I'd just like to know your thoughts on those cameras being mixed with the A7s II. Is it worth it to go with an FS5 when I already have the A7s IIs? Is this FS5 even broadcast quality?

    Will it be so bad if I had the Ursa Mini and the A7s II together? Or if these cameras are suitable for a small production house at all? Thanks!

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