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Paul Goodyear

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Posts posted by Paul Goodyear

  1. After some more tests. The rangefinder does introduce chromatic aberration, but after watching and studying some anamorphic films, it seems that is common of almost all true anamorphic lenses too (maybe the fact that there is a focusing element makes CA). But anyway, yeah, it seems the "ghosting" is just due to the fact that it is new and large glass. I am looking at getting a Jupiter 9, but does anyone have any other options that are EF compatible for the 85mm focal length that are cheaper?

  2. Hello people,

    I am a relatively new anamorphic shooter. I just got a GH4, a Sankor 16F, and a Rangefinder. First off, it's great. There are two main lenses I am using. A Rokinon 85mm T1.5 and an old Yashica 50mm F/2. But shooting some tests today I encountered this.Untitled_1.2.1.thumb.jpg.689282fdbe9bf73

    Around the phone you can see strong "ghosting". This was on the 85mm at T2.8. The 85mm should have far superior optics to the 50mm, but here is a shot from the 50mm.Untitled_1.13.1.thumb.jpg.ccd5272bd6e05a

    But there is no ghosting on this shot, or any shot I've taken with the 50mm. So, I have no idea what is going on. I did a few more tests with the 85mm.


    Above - 85mm at T1.5


    Above - 85mm at T1.5


    Above 85mm at T2.8

    And just for kicks and giggles here is another from the 50mm at about F/5



    None of these shots have any sharpening applied to them. I also tried using it with a crappy old 135mm F/3.5. There was a little ghosting on that one, but was completely gone after stopping down to F/5.6. On the 135mm I am assuming the ghosting comes from the poor optics (it also ghosts when not used anamorphic). But I have no explanation for why the 85mm does. The only thing I can assume is that it does this because of the front diameter. The Rokinon has a 72mm filter thread and both the Yashica and the crappy 135mm lens have a 52mm front thread mount. Have any of you all experienced this before? And if so, do you know how to solve it? I would like to know before I go out and buy another 85mm.

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