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Technical shooter

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Posts posted by Technical shooter

  1. I think it's a great, accurate visual test, 

    Look at +4 and you'll see it's a less than a stop difference. Plus it's still unknown how much information can be brought down in post, this is key. Remember DR distribution is different, for example the alexa might have an extra highlight stop and a lower shadow stop, therefore the C300II can be lowered one stop to get identical DR, if the C300 has extra two shadow stops, then it can be lowered 2 stops and get 1+ stop of DR over alexa (15), which is what I am seeing (alng with Geoff boyle & bloom)

     Distribution is different.

    One key element the test doesn't show is how the image looks brought down in terms on colours and detail, without this it's just a roll-off comparison, which alexa and c300 excel at.

    Wait for an accurate DR test side by side before making conclusions. Pretty premature. All what we're seeing might very well be wrong. It's not out and tested yet.

    Pre-productioon C300 units has horizontal FPN and chroma noise that will not exist in the final version. 

    I disagree, this is just based on the alexa name tag stuck in our head as the film camera, but others have caught up and that will change. I think the varicam and C300II will perfectly replace Alexa for many shoots as better cameras,  according to the image. As filmic as Alexa in highlights with similar DR, similar colour science, better form factor, smaller, better audio, revolutionary AF, 10 stop ND without contamination, higher resolution, much, much, much better lowlight performance, extremely lower production cost, the Varicam and C300 can easily replace Alexa and compete for the feature crowd for many reasons. 

    People can seem to get their head around the C300II being a Weapon/Alexa/Varicam rival just for the name tag of Canon broadcast C300, it changed to a film emulating camera and abandoned the mpeg-2 broadcast feature actually showing where they're aiming it. 

    We'll see with legitimate testing, but so far I am pretty optimistic for the C300II (and Varicam, gorgeous)


    You seem to be having a discussion about dynamic range with someone who mis-understands it. 

    The alexa has moved on as well and improved over the years. The 65 and the Amira are both different cameras delivering to different segments. For feature  production the Alexa kits out better, for run and gun and small shoots the c300 is king.  It is much more the sensor specs that get a camera to set. 

    Workflow is the biggest c300m2 issue right now. If you don't record canon raw externally you don't get 15 stops. 

    (though looking tests that show 12 stops look like they were done on broken cameras.)


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