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Chris Sully Cortez

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Posts posted by Chris Sully Cortez

  1. Could not freaking agree more with this article. Pros don't want to have to rely on expensive slow headache inducing workflows and B and C options we need shit that's fast, cheap, and looks damn good without making us vomit every time we want to do a multicamera shoot. EVA1 with 3x GH5's sounds much more practical to me.... if Canon only has Dual Pixel AF to offer, and good color, but everything else is shit, then I'm always going to pick the equipment that makes my job and life easier. I want to work smarter, not harder Canon. 

  2. Love your work and I totally agree with your statements. If you haven't yet check out my video on why you should skip the Sony A9 to wait for the Sony A7SIII. I really hooooooooppe Sony get it together and take video shooters seriously now. Panasonic has and it isn't very hard to say "ok we need these features so users can feel they have it all in one body and don't want to have multiple bodies if they don't need to". http://bit.ly/skipthesonya9 

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