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Zachariah Shanahan

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Posts posted by Zachariah Shanahan

  1. Ignoring all the Hollywood bullshit, I love the discipline that shooting on film provides. It's a breath of fresh air in my opinion. I own one digital camera and half a dozen film cameras.

    If you had a high budget to shoot anything you want, then you would think differently. I have a BMPCC, because it's a budget, quality camera, but there is no way I would turn down an offer to work with an Arri Alexa. I own 35mm stills, Super 8mm cameras and a 16mm camera, each has their own distinct personality, like modern digital cameras, and again, they bring discipline.


    I can hold onto film negatives for the remainder of my life in protective storage for my future descendants. Digital cameras, I cannot. They are upgraded, thrown in landfill, and reliant on updated firmware. 

    I can buy a 30 year old film camera which still functions the same way it did when brand new, off eBay.

    There is no argument, bros, hard drives fail, why would I backup things multiple times when I can have a master roll of the film or photos? and don't talk about the 'it can be destroyed by fire bullshit'. Anything can be destroyed by fire. Your house catches on fire in your sleep, you will burn and possibly die. End. 

    How many of your old computers are still functioning in your house? How many upgrades to the current cameras on the market will we have before you are all lying on your death bed in a hospital? An image cannot improve that much, you do not need that much clarity that digital brings in every project. 

    Film has had a 100 year life so far and has been thoroughly tested through the ages. Digital has not proven itself yet, in the long run. 

    Who know's? Maybe a new form of storage will come out, battle tested and impossible to be wiped or damaged or whatever, and companies can give a lifetime guarantee with it's purchase that all your precious memories will be maintained. 

    but come on

    That will NEVER happen, because companies would have NOTHING NEW to sell you guys....and this is a blog that wouldn't operate without new cameras to analyse and talk about. 

    End rant.

    "If digital is the future, then why am i so in love with FILM?"


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