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David Anderegg

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Posts posted by David Anderegg

  1. So far I'm really liking my Samsung NX1, contrary to many of the negative reviews I've read. The auto focus in video on face detect and single point is much faster than my GH4 (still love the GH4, I'm not baggin'). The h.265 codec is a bugger and I've tested 3 programs for conversion: Samsung's Movie Converter, DVDfab 9.0, and Wondershare. Wondershare produces the worst quality but has the fastest conversion to h.264. Samsung's has the 2nd best quality but has the slowest conversion. And the supriser was DVDfab which has the best conversion quality, but the 2nd fastest conversion time. Not to mention, you can actually choose your bitrate in DVDfab. Of course all that depends on machine specs (i.e. processor, ram, harddrive, etc.). RAW images are gorgeous on the photo end of things.

    CONCLUSION: Use DVDFab for your conversion not Wondershare. And no, I am not a rep of DVDfab; just sharing my results.

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