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Nate Weaver

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Posts posted by Nate Weaver

  1. Guys,


    What you're seeing, originally from the 5 and 55 cameras, is people misusing SLog2 and 3.


    On the 5 and 55, it's possible to (in 'Custom' mode), to enable an SLog gamma curve, but to leave active the camera's regular old-school 709 matrix settings and saturation levels.


    When you get into a situation with deeply saturated colors, like LED color mixer light sources in a concert, you can wind up with the chroma getting clipped out of this world, but the luma not touching clip at all.


    So yes, it's a problem, but it's more of a result of Sony not telling people how SLog2 or 3 needs to be used. Short story is, on a F5 or 55, if you use SLog 2 or 3, you need to also be using S-Gamut. This scales the chroma down to what fits easily without clipping channels. I own an F55, I've had it since the beginning (serial #110), and I've shot plenty of situations just like the enclosed grabs where it looked beautiful. The answer is SLog 2 or 3, and S-Gamut.


    Now on the A7S, I have no idea what the options are to go along with SLog2. I haven't gotten my hands on one yet. But if there is an S-Gamut option to go with S-Log2, you need to use it to avoid these crazy artifacts you're seeing.

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