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Flavio Isawa

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Posts posted by Flavio Isawa

  1. I respect your opinion that film is dead, but my main issue with that, is that the archiving process is proven to be better on film than in digital. The best in digital at the moment is LTO tape, and that will only stay for 20 years. If you ever went to a Cinematheque, you will see that most of the films there are kept in film, even digital ones. When Kodak filed for bankrupcy, my first thought was "Fuck, what about the archiving films?". Digital storage companies have great R&D teams that probably are looking for a reliable form of archiving, but that's not profitable for them. Even if they do find a way of better archiving, will they make it a product? They are probably focusing on speed and sizes, as 4K video reaches the market, and not long life storage. And as digital technology improves, what about formats? As you probably know, there are several of codecs and formats being used for films around the world right now. When I went to my local Cinematheque, they still had professional video TV decks from the 80s. Yes, the 80s. And their main issue was that the company that made those decks couldn't provide repair pieces for them because they didn't have the means to produce them. So, they have hundreds of tapes waiting to be archived in other formats because technology went on and got better.

    Yes, digital is "cheaper" and more "democratic" (democratic and cheaper from certains points of view), but if we stop funding the only company in the world that still makes THE reliable medium to store films, we should probably stop funding all those Cinematheques all together because history is useless.

  2. Since we are talking about the adapter, I found this. Not much, but what is that thing at the right of the lens (blue arrow)

    A plate with a screw in hole for heavy lenses, pretty much standard in all speedbosters and big telephoto lenses.

    But this image shows an adapter with a longer end like the BMCC Speedboster and an EF lens. Maybe, finally an EF-MFT (GH4) adapter with active IS?

  3. Read between the lines guys... the photo which Andrew posted says it all...




    Canon 5D MKIII on the left with the Tamron which andrew said he used on the GH4. EF > M43 mount speedbooster is round the corner, infact you can just about make it out on the GH4.

    The red dot on the adapter at the lens mount side was a great hint, but I could be wrong. But what most intrigues me is the little lever at the right on the adapter.

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