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Posts posted by Vertigo

  1. Hi,

    For a scientific project, I need to extract (all) individual frames from GH4 footage (both 4K and 2K).

    Both tools I usually use (Matlab and Photoshop CS5) seem to have trouble producing consistent frame sequences (.tiff files). Both produce some identical frames along the process. Sometimes all frames except the first are identical. Sometimes the frames contain a mix of two images.

    It happens with both C4K and 2K footage, .MP4 or .MOV, 100M, 24, 30 or 60p. Only 50M files seem to be correctly read and decomposed.

    As I am not a videographer, and don't know much about codecs (except that I had to install Klite codec pack to read the files on my PC), I thought I could find some help among people that are used to manipulating those files.

    - Did anybody encounter such issues already ?

    - Is the H264 codec of GH4 special in any way ? should I install a special codec or filter and where could I find it (not much on panasonic's site) ?

    - What software would you use to reliably extract frames ? For example all frames of a .MOV file (even better if it can do something like "from frame 1250 to 2530, with 1 frame every 8 frames".)

    - if I need to transcode the files, for example to MJPEG that Matlab should read easily, what software should I use ?


    Thanks a lot.

    Manu (France).



  2. From my early testing last week, the GH4 is lightyears ahead of the 7D for video. Even the 60P 2K on the GH4 yields better detailled frames than 25P on the 7D, for similar bitrates (50mbps).


    For photography is another story. Above iso 400, RAW noise is far behind 7D, and the EVF, as good as it is on the GH4, is nothing comparable to an OVF.

  3. Hi,


    I just received a GH4 and something bugs me with the EVF:

    When I set video setting to 4K, the refresh rate of the EVF drops to maybe 15 fps, and that is a problem for panning with fast moving subjects.

    It seems I get this behaviour even in relatively bright conditions. I tried to set the EVF rate to 60 fps in the custom menu, with no result.

    What suprises me is that with the same setting, the rear screen view remains fluid, so I cannot understand why the EVF nedds a slow refresh rate.


    Is that a normal behaviour ? Didi I miss something in the settings ?


    Any help greatly appreciated ;o)



  4. Julian, your samples look great and will probably make me jump on the GH4 bandwagon.


    I have a question though : what is the fastest shutter speed one can set in 4K video mode at 24 and 30 fps ? Seems a silly question, but I plan to extract stills from 4K footage for some project, and need shutter speed faster than 1/2000 s for that, even though the motion will not look smooth in the video.


    I know that the gh4 has a 1/8000 s capable still shutter, but my question really is about the electronic, rolling, video shutter mode. It seems I cannot find the information on the web yet, hence my question to you happy GH4 tester ;o)


    Thanks again for your very stimulating sample footage.

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