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Posts posted by dash__dot

  1. If the price is right it will be a backup stills camera and a bcam to my FS700. Hoping it does have great DR and low noise at high isos for natural lit events and shoots.

    No 4k internal doesn't matter to me as much as I already have a recorder for it, but can see why most people are heading towards GH4.

  2. I have the Came one (mine was called the eagle eye 5d but it is the same made by DYS). It is good, but there are a number of fairly huge flaws. The attachment for the camera is very poor, you really need to be able to move it side to side to balance, but you just have a choice of three runners.


    All the parts do cost more than $300 individually, it uses the alexmos/basecam 8bit controller (£100) and the three motors are larger than standard and are about £30 each. Plus all the carbon tubes and so on (difficult to find a cheap source for) they are probably at the cheapest they will get (mine was £500). However, the new 32 bit alexmos/basecam controller will make them much better, they have two sensors so they can be used in a wider range of movements without oscillation and won't be as pedantic with settings. So I would say wait for the next round of cheap knockoffs.

  3. I believe DJI showed something at NAB, the ronin gimbal?

    I have a 'cheap' eagle eye gimbal which I have modded a bunch to accept a stripped FS700 and a light lens. With a DSLR it works fairly well once you balance it properly and fiddle with the PID settings. There is a new 32bit processor from basecam just out, matching the ARM chip the MOVI guys use, which will mean that a few more 'cheap' ones will be out soon that will be very decent.

    The extra for a 'real' one is not worth it in my mind for an indie film maker and unless you spend all your time in the gym they are difficult to use for longer than an hour. I am trying to adapt it onto a steadicam arm, which should make it usable, someone else is surely doing a commercial product with the same idea.

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