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Posts posted by pacificwavephoto

  1. Blackmagic are not camera makers, and from this recent hail-mary, its clear that they still don't know what they are doing in the camera department. I agree that what they should have been doing was working with the industries more thoroughly, and improving their existing products before launching new ones. If they never get it right, (mostly firmware) then the new products are equally doomed if not more so.  They should have hired software engineers to get these cameras to become what the potential for them was, instead of using those resources to come up with these products. I know they are trying to appeal to everyone, and then therefore get a market hold, but its just weird.


    I think they lost their original user base, I doubt these products will get them the base they want, and I think they will go back to what they were actually good at, which was producing recorders and converters and all the bits and pieces you'd rig to other people's cameras, and use in post. 

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