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Posts posted by LFXdan

  1. I recently bought a 5D MkIII and used it for a weekend to shoot some video. My initial impressions were not good as I found it really contrasty and the footage just looked horrid to my eye (I've owned an FS700 for the past year which has an amazing codec). Then I found the cinestyle profile which really makes the camera sing. I've seen a lot of footage from the GH3 and in some cases it does look very "video like" but I've also seen some from the 5D that looks the same. Heck, even some of the stuff out of my FS700 has just looked like a commercial video and not the filmic look I wanted. A note about the Yucatan GH4 promo, you have to have a high fstop when doing aerials as it's the only practical way to shoot (you can't really pull focus easily in the air).


    I run a small one man production company and have just sent my 5D back as it had an issue. I am now deciding if I should just get another or wait for the GH4. For my commercial work I think the GH4 will be brilliant, for my creative work, the 5D will be brilliant. When push comes to shove my commercial work has to come first so I will probably get the GH4 and wait for another Canon full frame (MkIV) to be announced. The Metabones Speedbooster on the GH4 will turn it from a M43 to a Super 35 which is a very filmic look. You'll also get a stop more light to help with the low light. The 5d is incredible in low light though, even better than the FS700.


    So.......in short. GH4 for my commercial work and maybe another 5d for photo's and my personal stuff.


    I've rambled, sorry!



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