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Posts posted by fredjones2005

  1. The Alexa is a UNION camera.  The Oscars is a UNION event.  Only one movie "Gravity" out of top 10 high grossing movies of 2013 is nominated for best picture.   The Oscars is a UNION event.  Where they pick there UNION friends movie.  Woody Allen can put a picture of his butt on the screen for 90 minutes and he is going to get nominated for something.


    The Alexa camera is a easy to use camera.  Much less problems with transcoding.  ARRI supports the shit out of this camera.  Red works fine (NOW) if you know how to use it.  Remember the early days of RED, there were some issues but that is the past.  I have rented both and they worked great.


    The new RED Dragon, you can just point the camera and make sure it’s in focus.  You can relight the scene in post to whatever you want.  The latitude is amazing.  As long as the war between cameras continues we will all be the victors with more and better equipment.

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