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John M Flores

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Posts posted by John M Flores

  1. Unless by digital photo revolution, you mean things like iPhone... In which case i agree there is still room for improvement, but it will never reach DSLR levels or have interchangeable lenses, other than the odd gimmick... So no major effect on Canon or Nikon.


    I'm not talking about film and I'm not talking image quality. I mean that the way people take and view and share photos is very different than just ten years ago and still changing, and that companies that we just assume are major players with their fingers on the pulse may not have their finger on the pulse after all.


    I posit that the way the market is still shifting means that five years hence there won't be room for two behemoths like Canon and Nikon, and that by 2018 one will be a shadow of its former self.


    I know it's a bold statement, but heaven knows we've seen more than one company in the last decade be blindsided by the pace of technology change-Microsoft, IBM, Yahoo, Blackberry, the list goes on.


    Let's come back in five years and see if I'm right  :D

  2. Wow, that opening graphic kind of says it all. Nice.


    When the dust settles from the digital photo revolution, only one of the two biggies will be left standing. I think KarimNassar makes a good point about the Df though; it's a retro-niche play and not necessarily the direction of the company. Accepting that though, what is Nikon's direction? I had high hopes for the Nikon 1 system, and it may get there yet, but right now Canon looks to be innovating faster.

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