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Posts posted by cplkao

  1. For EVF,

    there is no perfect fit to the 3.5" screen without modification yet, Zacuto and Kinotehnik are both making one which should be available soon.


    In the meantime, a user on BMCuser had successfully using Hoodman Loupe 3.0 + Hood Riser HRS4 + rubber band to cover the screen.






    For stablisation, there are a few rigs for stabilisation I had been eyeing for, 


    Zacuto Marauder/Enforcer which Philip Bloom had been using in his latest pocket venice videos, its foldable and seems to provide good support, its pricy though.



    Edelkrone also make a pocket rig, aiming at smaller cameras, you can also buy their focus pulling kit too.



    There is also Stealth by Varizoom, an all in one rig for small camera.


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