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Posts posted by noamkroll

  1. I would have to say the BMPCC may not be an ideal run n gun documentary camera, although it seems like it would be on the surface. The large file sizes, batteries and additional accessories (audio) you'll need won't make it the ideal candidate for a traveling low budget doc. There are workarounds of course, but it may or may not be worth it given your intentions for the project. I also really think it needs a rig as I personally am bothered by the micro jitters when hand holding a camera of this size.


    I think all BM cameras are best for narrative. I recently finished shooting a short on the BMC (EF Mount) and it made it abundantly clear to me that it's strong suit is in narrative. If you're interested, here's my blog post on shooting with it in a narrative environment: http://noamkroll.com/shooting-narrative-with-the-blackmagic-cinema-camera/

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