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Posts posted by reedzsu

  1. How do you adapt the two Mir-11s to the Micro Four Thirds Bayonet? AFAIK, the Mir-11s use the M37 screw mount for Kiev 16mm cameras for which I haven't found any adapter yet.

    I got the Mir 20/2 lens with a adapter from Taobao (Chinese online market ).

    The adapter was made by two parts. One is a C-M43 adapter, the other is a metallic ring. Two parts are connected by three screws.

    The Mir lens can be placed into the metallic ring, then can be mounted to the camera. And you can adjust the distance positon by hands.

    Pictures as below.

  2. I collected seven lenses for my ordered BMPCC.

    Cosmicar 6.5mm/1.8 as a ultra wide angle lens.

    Tevidon 10mm/2 as a wide angle lens.

    Mir-11 12.5mm/2 as a normal lens(the image circle is just cover BMPCC).

    Cosmicar 12.5mm/1.4 as a fast normal lens.

    Tevidon 16mm/1.8 as a standard lens.

    Mir-11 20mm/2 as a middle-focus lens

    Angenieux 17-68mm f2.2 as a long focus zoom lens.

    The tevidons had been replaced mount rings.

    The cosmicar 12.5mm lens' mount ring had been modified by hand.

    All the lenses' image circles cover the 1' format ccd camera.

    Some pictures of these lenes as below.

    More picturces taken by these lenes with a MTF camera will be later.



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