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Fritz Pierre

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Everything posted by Fritz Pierre

  1. Yes..if you buy Panny lenses they can be spendy...I have the 20mm 1.7 pancake and the 25mm 1.4...love both lenses but they're not cheap...I will probably buy the Leica 12-60 as its a very useful FOV range on a M4/3 sensor and I'm interested in the rack focus feature on the GH5...
  2. You're right...and personally, if you're going to put optics between your lens and the sensor, I would wait till I can afford the Metabones XL...you gain 1 1/3 stops which goes for all your Nikon glass you own now and acquire in the future...which is huge! I also think the crop is slightly larger than S35....could be wrong there...
  3. Understood...but I simply keep my GH cameras...Nikon glass is amazing if you're not bothered by reverse focus ring (some are)...but you land up with a future proof system with your existing Nikons and the path to adding on with the speedbooster adapter...if I remember correctly, I've seen some lovely footage from Jonpais with either the GX....(forget the model #) or the G80...the camera will do the job for you...
  4. You already have Nikon glass....early in the lens thread on this forum Andy, a very knowledgeable member, discussed the Nikon AFS F2.8 ED Zooms...the 28-70...and 80-200....Ianded up with both and also the 17-35....amazing glass...heavy, but the image quality is superb...I would save the money on the kit lens, and perhaps put it towards the 28-70...or the 17-35...with a speed booster it will turn into a 2.0 which is fast enough with the G80...it's worth reading the earlier lens threads and then several photographers review these also...the 28-70 goes for between $550 to $800 on eBay but the build quality and optics are exceptional and it's like buying 3 or 4 primes in one lens...whatever speed booster you buy though, I would research with far more care!
  5. Could not understand a word so I really just scrubbed through to the 3200 ISO stuff...looks promising to my eye!
  6. @jonpais....I agree with you and also with Mattias..and if budget was an issue, that would be good advice....the opportunity to see how a camera performs with no practice is valuable though...both for those who like or don't the GH5 and these cameras may be regarde as Prosumer, but they certainly come with lots of professional features to be used (or not) before one can tap into optimizing the image you need for a specific project...I like Panny cameras for perhaps a different reason than most ( don't mean to be presumptious)...I like the fact that they are almost bombproof...have never had any glitch with one...ever...(for me starting with the HVX200)...for my use, it works...period....I realise for many it does not, and they won't buy it....but I find that every time Panny releases a new GH cam, the criticism that mounts against their efforts, seem to exceed far beyond the limitations of other manufacturers shortcomings...(think I'm too old to be a fanboy!) but to my eye, the GH5 is approaching Varicam territory...with stabilization....and it's discreet...and so far nothing I've seen has persuaded me differently...so for feature work, I would use it without any hesitation alongside the Varicam LT....and to my eye, that is a tremendous achievement....my only complaint is I'd like one now!?
  7. Exactly Jonpais!!...and I like the fact that Brother is out there excited and playing with the GH5 for a night (he actually mentions that it's all manual focus BTW!)...but he's out there shooting!....sleeping in he's van in the cold to catch beauty light before sunrise...like the energy and enthusiasm more than the armchair pixel peeping...my comment on the GH5 would simply be, if this is your budget and you want a reliable, work anytime you need it on set, or a wedding or whatever, and ease of operation camera, this camera is amazing...and there are more trolls for the GH series cameras than any other cams, so Panny must be doing something right!...as for the exhausting DR discussion, buy some lights and learn to use them, or another camera and go fumbling around in the dark!
  8. A major aspect to working on any set is getting along with the crew....depending on where you live, a walk in to a production office and introducing yourself when dropping off your reel/cv is almost essential....living in a city with lots of production, be it film or television is the other important thing, and cities with little production tend to be somewhat protectionist, regardless or sometimes especially (in the case of lots of experience) of hiring you as the locals tend to protect their own positions...so move to an LA or Vancouver or New York or Toronto in the case of North America...and then try to get hired as even a PA if possible...it's not for the faint of heart, but shy of freelancing and or creating your own niche and production company, breaking into the industry in the city you choose leads to the "apprenticeship" that leads to a career in the business...
  9. +1 Good reading between the lines!...with each new camera release and posted clips, the comments just keep getting more ridiculous....This guy took the camera from his friend...climbed in his van, turned the camera on and started driving...WTF....what is anybody commenting negatively on the GH5 based on this clip expecting?
  10. If photography is your prime use, full frame. If narrative and shooting video and lighting, M4/3...no DP on a feature or commercial shooting S35 would shoot below F4.0...to difficult to focus on anything moving for any length of time...speed booster plus M4/3 gets you to S35
  11. @jonpais...yes...LUT preview is going to be available with the GH5...I think you're going to be able to load up to four preview LUTS, of your own choice though, (I hope!)...must say I'm very impressed with @Neumann Films LUT used in the footage he provided....I've shot with Vlog L both internally and on a external device...you have to pick your battles, but you get used to it and if you use Leeming's ETTR exposure method (listed on his website) it's fantastic!...(but for me the camera is really just a stepping stone to the story)...other's needs obviously differ hugely from my own...a last thought on VlogL for your ears only...if you're shooting internally....even on the GH4 you have to pick your battles...as my interest is narrative only, I can!...also production design....controlling wall color etc. makes a huge difference...not to reopen a tired old argument, but in fairness to Panny, I don't think it was really intended as a "walk around" tool, but a more professional enhancement tool...I am probably alone in saying that I'm glad they did not make the camera a $100 more expensive and include this, but made it a paid upgrade only for those who really want it....otherwise you land up with a lot of negative feedback when someone tries to use Vlog in a way not intended by the designers....+1 on the clumsy implementation method...they must have their reasoning I guess!
  12. @Neumann Films Sorry....I confused you with someone else I must have read about, who said they never use speed boosters...do I find your LUT pack on your website...been using Leeming's LUT on the GH4 but I think with this camera/LUT combo you're hitting it out of the ballpark....any info regarding your LUTS will be appreciated...I would be using it in FCPX, but would also be giving it to my DP, who's also my colorist. Let me know if that is acceptable, so feel free to PM me if you prefer to do it that way...
  13. Beautiful footage.....I'm curious if you corrected with a new LUT for the Gh5 and also, if you don't mind, a few words of what you thought of the speedbooster?
  14. @jonpais...I would highly recommend that you take a look at the Leeming LUT for cine D...he also includes a settings manual as well as a careful exposure instruction and a VlogL lut for an external recorder..the LUT is just designed to get you to a gradable place but I find its all I ever use...and then grade from there
  15. Can you please provide the clip showing what you keep referring to...If I'm not mistaken, not a single other person has mentioned RS on the GH5....maybe I'm missing something or are you trolling?
  16. Keeping the price as low as possible on the GH5 (don't most people hate Vlog?) and making Vlog a paid upgrade is preferable it seems...or is there anyone here who would prefer to pay say $2200 and get Vlog included!...does it not make sense to give people who don't like it, the option to not pay for it? WTF!!...I use and love Vlog personally...what I find dizzying is all the discussions on this and that camera and what will beat what on a camera that has'nt even released yet...anyway, IMO the image one can produce on the GH4 shooting with lights...production value crew etc. is already excellent!...in other words as if you're shooting with an F35 or Alexa or Red cam!...what I want is reliability, so the camera does not fail me on a set!...of course everyone's needs are different, but the rumors on the GH5 already has anticipation high!
  17. I would say it depends on what you want to lean in film school....director....cinematographer....production designer...really only 2 ways to learn....film school or getting hired as a production assistant in a certain department (unless daddy or mommy is a director)....an amazing amount depends on the individual's personality and of course work ethic as anybody on a real set works their asses off...forums are informative, but it's not going to get you to that scenario where you spend 16 hour shoot days with crew and they're happy to see you again the next morning...
  18. Films are not going away...far too much money at stake...what has changed considerably is the content created for television ( at the same quality level as any feature film now)...but sticking to movies...many links in the chain that either makes or breaks a project....and success depends on an audience member being able to completely immerse themselves in a film...hard to happen when you're watching something shot on an iPhone with little or no production design, bad sound and of course poor acting and directing...sorry....a little off topic, but read a post a while back saying in a 100 years there'll be no more movies made...as long as humans are around, we'll be hungry for the escape movies/television can bring us...as far as cameras today go...we're more than there and I think Andrews point is well taken...smartphones are the new point-and-shoots that consumers want and you can now use an actual point-and shoot as a crash cam or in a difficult to fit place or a drone etc....
  19. Curious as to whether any of the forum members who voted for Trump feel alarm about more and more zwastikas getting painted on walls all over the US or whether this just falls under the "few bad apples" category for them?
  20. Chose this quote because regarding Trump, nothing more really needs to be said...whoever can listen to these quotes by him and see their way clear to voting for him...there's no logic within me that I can apply with them, to persuade them of a different point of view...we have to make our own moral and intellectual decisions in life anyway, so nuff said...I like Ed's original idea. The media has turned to creating the news instead of reporting it....wanted a photo finish and instead landed up with Trump as President...possibly with Director Comey feeling "compelled" to report yet another email investigation 11 days before the election...US Democracy....what a fucking joke.... and what a clown we are in the eyes of the rest of the world...as for rolling back any US legislation on slowing down climate change ( are there any people on this forum that believes the world is not warming up at a frightening pace)...good luck when the shit hits the fan...because there will be nowhere to run....FOR ANYONE...don't really have much else to add...if Trump stays true to his word, we're fucked...but I suspect he's smarter and shrewder than anyone gave him credit for ( he did beat the whole disgusting US political machine singlehandedly)...I have a feeling though that in the next few months many are going to come to an OH FUCK moment...for many different reasons that will soon reveal themselves...and Dog help us!
  21. Love FCPX....and it keeps on improving....I think one day we'll all look back on this and laugh about it...although I must admit I do always hang back a bit with every upgrade, before downloading!
  22. @Mattias Burling But can you tell us how you really feel about the 1DC?
  23. Sony seems to be practicing the same disastrous environmental policies that Apple does...breeding this concept that something's already obsolete by the time you get it home from the store...must be taking it's cue from Apple and it's iPhone mania...oh well...all the Lemmings jumping happily off the cliff!
  24. For me the most important place for "movement" is in the edit...I can see the value in having IBIS so that you can get shot you may have missed, because you had no tripod...but I'm talking narrative film, and the less I'm aware there's a camera, the more I can escape into the film...but as with all things, taste is subjective...I'm planning on getting the GH5 and I have to say I hope it has IBIS...I could see how in the instance of shooting animals or kids (over which you rarely have any control) it could be an invaluable tool...
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