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Arthur Woo

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Posts posted by Arthur Woo

  1. Sure it is not the space in path to file that is causing the problem not the 2GB file size?

    Thanks for the reply...but not likely the issue. I've been able to convert everything below 2gb on OSX. Once it reaches that threshold it errors out. Other users have reported the same issue on the magic lanter forum - above are the only two solutions i know of until the ML team patches the application for OSX

  2. you should not be sharpening in post at all!!

    thats what people do with rubbish cameras!

    This is suposed to be a serious camera now with this ML raw hack to rival a Red and Alexa ...........

    A lot of footage is sharpened in post regardless of the camera used to shoot it. If you don't like that aesthetic, you don't have to do it for your footage.

  3. The overall quality of the individual shots wasn't the best I've seen, but you do a great job showing how improved the raw is over the original codecs, which i assume was your main goal. Well done.


    The moire on the bricks was a little bit stronger than i expected, and how much did you sharpen in post? Also, was this full-frame or the crop?

    Thanks. Yeah I was just out and about. I have a serious shoot tomorrow which I will take more time to carefully plan shots out for, so stay tuned for that. I did an unsharp mask, around 40%, 1.5 radius. It wasn't much over the original footage.


    Full frame 1920 x 1080

  4. I appears this issue is due to the file sizes being over 2GB. I tried it for file sizes under 2GB and it works fine. There's a fix being worked on apparently

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