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Posts posted by Hunter

  1. Lookin forward to seeing that HDMI test. If we can bypass the CF card limit and all that, Atomos would be really happy to see people rushing to get one. 1080p ProRes with the dynamic range of RAW would be amazing!!! Sometimes you guys lose sight of the bigger picture...sure 2k and 4k would be great but if you really NEEDED it that bad you wouldn't be hot rodding a 5d3 lol. You wouldn't be able to manipulate it as much in post but the image would be sharper and more latitude would make the 5d3 even more of a beast than it already is.

    A Ninja 2 setup with a hard drive would run you about $800 total, which would be a lot more convenient and offer more storage than 1000x CF cards which are looking like $250 for two 32gb cards. I was thinking about getting a Ninja 2 before this hack but if it can be done over HDMI and saved to the Ninja that would be sickkkkkk!!

  2. This whole progression is obviously really awesome, I just am wondering how possible it would be to incorporate SOME of these features into an enclosed movie format. Like extending the dynamic range, and more resolution (not in terms of frame size like 1920x1080, but like sharpness and detail) and putting it into the already existing format of the ALL-I coming right out of the camera, (ProRes would just be amazing but probably not doable). That way you sacrafice FULL control over RAW for ease of use.

    I also wonder what kind of abilities we would have of streaming this RAW feed live over HDMI and recording it to a Ninja 2, which would solve a LOT of these problems.....already would enclose the frames as ProRes 1080p and in a .MOV ready to edit...sure you lose extreme image manipulation and the ability to record at 2k+ but for a lot of people (like me) who've been shooting on the 5D3 for a while, we're used to working with 1080p footage as it is, just would be an increase in quality in that movie file.

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