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Posts posted by hexx

  1. No VF? That's not correct. With the add-on it has one of the best EVFs around. I tried the Zeiss optical one too. Very nice for composition, very bright.



  2. Hi Andrew,


    I've been reading your articles for a long time but never really felt I've got something to say or disagree.


    But now I simply disagree with your statements abut RX1 being medium format quality pocketable camera.


    Also comments regarding AF - I did not find it any faster than on fully updated X-Pro1. I know you didn't like X-Pro1 but X-Pro1 has far better controls than RX1 - far better.


    As a street shooter it fails at few things:

    - orange ring

    - no VF


    It is a CyberShot and that's what it is. It's good travel camera but not a good street shooter, X-Pro1/X100(s)/Leica and others do this better.


    If you want pocketable street shooter I don't think there's any point to go for anything else than X100S or if you have money go for Leica (I have old film M6 which again is completely different beast).


    Regarding your remarks about IQ and references to DXOMark - do people still use DXOMark as reference to work out IQ??? Those are off-sensor measurements and they don't tell you how camera really performs in terms of IQ.


    Output from PhaseOne IQ180 will blow output from RX1 any time - you simply cannot compare these two, not for IQ, nor for intended use.


    There's only one small sensor camera which gives you 'look' of medium format and that's Sigma's DPxM range of cameras.


    I couldn't believe it so I bought DP2M and it's far far far away from anything I've seen coming from APS-C or FF cameras. And it also behaves like a medium format camera :) ISO max 800, best results on tripod and it behaves a little bit like a film camera too, battery lasts for 60 shots :)


    RX1 is a great camera but when you add price of EVF to it, especially here in the UK, it's way too expensive and I cannot find one single reason why I would get it over X100S (which I'm not buying as I have X100 and X-Trans based X-Pro1).


    As a first iteration of the concept it's great success but calling it a contender for medium format or a street shooter is rather wrong as it's none of them, it's a rich man's point and shoot.

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